13 Coven

Frequently Asked Questions

In a world where science and technology are constantly discovering new things and uncovering more of nature’s secrets, some of the magic has been lost from magic. By this we mean that some traditional craft skills and arts of the Witches have now been fully quantified by science. Having quantified them, science has swiftly claimed them as a new discovery. Examples of this are clearly evident throughout history.

Witches were using charms by which to navigate long before science quantified magnetism and the North pole. What once was a Witch’s magical path finder charm, is now widely classified as a compass. When a skilled Witch used voice, incantation and ritual to calm a Mother in labour, they were considered a powerful Witch. Today, it would be called hypnosis and few would consider it magical. When Witches used powerful potions to heal wounds and cure illness, they were mystical healers. The magical potions and brews once a skill of the Witches, is now known more widely known as herbalism.

These are just three examples of how traditional Witchcraft skills and arts have been accepted into general society - after society were told by scientists that science had discovered them. Even so, the universe has many secrets yet to unfold and Witches have yet still the arts undiscovered by modern physics. (Higher Physics!) In an indefinable cosmos where energies and forces are still guessed at by science - Witches continue quietly to use them.

The answers are the beliefs and views of The New Forest Coven, and although they are representative of many Pagan views, they should not be taken as the definitive answers on the subject of Paganism and Witchcraft.

What do Witches do?

There are many answers for this very broad question, but here is just one. We believe in, practice and observe a very old religion called Witchcraft. (It is still often referred as ‘The Old Religion’) This religion and way of life predates by millennia the establishment of orthodox religions, and until the arrival of such orthodox religions, was not viewed in any negative way at all. The following questions and answers are in themselves, also answers for this very first question.


What do Witches believe in?

We believe in life eternal and our eternal home is The Summer Lands. We believe that we are more than the sum of our physical being and that we have a spiritually higher being - a Higher Self. We believe that the Gods create everything and that the Gods are part of everything. We believe that we are all individual and unique. We believe that God is our Eternal Mother and our Eternal Father and we honour God in both male and female aspects for this reason. We believe the universe has infinite and undiminishing natural power and energy and this can manifest itself through nature and the elements of our world.


Do Witches believe in God?

Yes! Pagans have many different names for God and see God with many different faces; but all Gods are one God, and all paths of truth and light lead to God. It could be viewed in this simple way - I know and love my Earthly Mother by the name of ‘Mother.’ I know her as Mother, I see her as Mother, and I love her as Mother. My Father sees her and loves her by the name of Wife. My Grandmother sees her and loves her as Daughter. My Aunt sees her and loves her by the name of Sister. The point is this, many people recognise my Mother by different names. They see and love her in different ways, but she is unchanged, she is the same person. She recognises and loves all the people around her, who all see her and love her in different ways. This is also true of God. God has many names and many faces, The New Forest Coven uses the term ‘The Gods’ to express the entirety of these names and also taken to include Goddess.


Do Witches worship the Devil?

No! We do not believe in the devil. Pagans are not Christians. The devil is part of the Christian philosophy. Satan, Lucifer, or whatever name you might care to use is not worshipped by The New Forest Coven, or for that matter, by any Pagan Witches. It is not logical to worship something you do not believe in. Those who might call themselves ‘Satanic Witches’ probably worship Satan. However, there are some interesting paradoxes here. For example, what did ‘Satanic Witches’ worship before the arrival of Christianity and the Christian philosophy - of which, ‘satan’ is part and inseparable from. (Prior to Christianity there could have been no Satanic Witches.) It is also interesting to note that to believe in ‘satan’ one has to believe to some degree in the Christian Philosophy, and, if one does believe in the Christian philosophy, surely one is a Christian. However, being Pagan Witches this is a paradox we do not have to concern ourselves with.


Do Witches fly on broomsticks?

No! Witches have never physically flown on broomsticks, it is a great misconception and far too complex to explain in detail here. Witches did make use of broomsticks for varying reasons and sometimes in a state similar to trance they imagined or believed they had taken flight. Also, brooms were often used as part of corn and fertility rites, and Witches leaping about corn fields on broomsticks has undoubtedly added to this misconception.


Do you do magic?

Yes we do. Though it should not be confused with the magic of Magicians, or the likes of ‘Bewitched, Charmed and Buffy’ etc. We believe magic exists all around us as a natural and cosmic energy and is there for the benefit of everyone. The - as-of-yet - undefined forces and energies of the earth, and indeed the cosmos, are still only guessed at. Whilst science endeavours to quantify them - Witches continue quietly to use them. Of course, it is necessary to understand how these forces are invoked, engaged and directed, and this has been the core of Witchcraft since the first Witches discovered how to achieve this.


How do spells work?

The practice of casting spells is ancient – the energy manipulated by a spell cast is based on the principles of quantum physics. In very simple terms we use the natural and undiminishing energy of the cosmos. This energy is there for the use of those who know how to invoke, engage and direct it.


Will your spell(s) work for me?

Yes, with our great body of experience we can give you our assurance of quality on everything we list on our site - However it is true to say that most people who fail are those who give up too soon or do not follow instructions correctly. Our results are excellent for all those who truly committed to results and stay positive without giving up when results are just about to manifest. If you don't feel that it is going to work out for you, then we suggest that you give us a chance to prove you wrong. We will tell you exactly what to expect in your situation. For this reason, the results can be guaranteed in majority of cases, the timing however, is difficult to predict with accuracy. An aspect of spell casting is that results tend to happen when they are supposed to in order to create lasting results.


Which spell should I order?

It is always best to go with your gut-feeling on which spell is the right one for your situation. If your problem is unique and need guidance on choosing the appropriate spell to order, email us for a free consultation.


How do I send the information you require?

Our contact page is always the best and quickest method. Alternatively you can email us directly. Please note that if we do not receive any additional information from you, we will perform the service by using the details given to us by PayPal with your payment receipt.


How fast can I get my spell casting?

We get results fast! We are alwaysin contact with you throughout the process of spell casting, often we are ready to cast your spell within 12 hours. Most of the clients get results in 3 to 12 weeks. Some clients are very open spiritually and therefore see faster results! Those clients who have an emergency situation should order one of the most powerful spells. The most powerful spells tend to produce results much faster and are also automatically placed to be cast in high priority.


How long will the influence of your spell last?

Our spells are usually permanent and retain their influence for decades. However, spells of shorter duration or life-long spells can be requested.


Do you have rituals and things?

(Sometimes we wonder if the word ‘things’ is the most commonly used word in the English language.) Yes, we do. A ritual (as defined by Chambers 20th.c dictionary) is: “An often repeated series of actions - a manner of performing divine service.” (Who are we to challenge the wisdom of Chambers?) This definition seems perfectly adequate. A ritual can be as grand and elaborate as a ceremonial spell casting - or as simple as boiling an egg. Both involve preparation, purpose and timing. Performing the ritual is simply a means to achieving an end. In the case of the egg, it’s to have something to eat. In the case of a ceremonial spell casting, it is to demonstrate recognition and appreciation of the gods in exchange for their protection, guidance and help.


Do you have any special days?

Yes. Before the Burning Times there were quite a few special days or festival days that were observed by Pagans. With the arrival of orthodox religion, Witchcraft became illegal and was repressed. (That’s a nice way of saying people were burned alive for not believing as they were told to.) Many of the days special to Pagans were adopted and renamed by Christians in an attempt to impress a Christian festival or celebration on those days and thereby usurp the Pagans’ beliefs. (These facts are there for anyone who cares to check them out.) Witches of many traditions usually observe the Sabbats and have special names for these. (To detailed to expand upon here.)


Are you initiated in any way?

Yes. There is a suitable period of time, learning and mutual consideration, after which if all are in agreement, the coven will recognise and initiate someone as a Woodwitch. Usually, all members of the coven will be present for the initiation because each member in turn will anoint the person being recognised, and, each give the person a single, personal blessing as part of the initiation ritual. Whilst the initiation ritual is a private ritual, and the details of such are known only to those who are Woodwitches, we would point out that unlike some Witchcraft traditions our initiation ritual is not performed naked, does not involve physical trials, nor demand absolute obedience to some hierarchal head.


Do you do any secret things?

Secret, no. Private, yes. The New Forest Coven is as open and honest as is sensibly possible. Nevertheless, even in these liberal times we are not blind to the fringe elements who seek sensationalism - if not curious amusement. Advertising the time and location of our next gathering in the local newspaper may not be headline news, but may attract elements of sensation seekers and possibly a fast food catering van.


Do you do any evil things?

No. When this question is asked of us we generally find that the enquirer usually means do we do anything Satanic. Again, the answer is no. As explained in a previous answer, we do not believe in Satan. Witches are like any other people, they constantly fail to be perpetually good - though they at least strive to be. As individuals we are often guilty of actions which are selfish, but evil thoughts and deeds play no part in the observance of our beliefs - or the application of our skills in the arts.


Do you believe in evil or evil things?

Yes. Whilst we do not believe in the Devil, we appreciate that evil does exist. We do not view it as an individual or conscious being with any particular shape or form - it is simply the opposite of good. Throughout all nature and creation there is balance. Without opposites there would be no distinction. Without North, we could not distinguish South. Without dark, we could not appreciate light... And without evil, we could not measure good. Evil has an affect upon us only when we allow it to influence our being and our minds. Then, evil does have form and consciousness in the thoughts and actions we perpetrate whilst under its influence. Recognising the existence of evil is the first step to dispelling it.


Do you believe in ghosts?

Not in the sense of spooky white apparitions that go ‘boo!’ in the night. But we accept that the conscious energy of some individuals can wonder lost between The Summer Lands (eternal home) and the earthly plane.


Do you believe in reincarnation?

Yes. We believe we may have several lifetimes to live. Some people (Higher Self) learn faster than others, and so, some people may need to experience more lifetimes than just one; but eventually we all attain enough wisdom to achieve perfection. A lifetime has great lessons, experience and wisdom to take up. It is not essential we experience absolutely everything, but it is necessary for us to have an appreciation or understanding of all that may be involved in the experience of life.


Do you believe in life after death?

Accepting that we believe in reincarnation, the answer would have to be yes... But when asked this question we usually find that the enquirer means do we believe in eternal life. Again, the answer is yes. We believe that when our spirits have gained enough wisdom end experience to attain perfection, we then dwell in Eternal Home - The Summer Lands - with the Gods and our extended family.


Do you have orgies and things?

“And things” varies from enquirer to enquirer we find. Even so, the answer is no, we do not have orgies - or “things.” (Some enquirers seem quite disappointed by this.) Pagans believe in the freedom of mind, body and soul. One is free to live, and lust, as one chooses - so long as you bring no adversity to others! (Somewhere along the way The New Forest Coven picked up the observance: “Harm Or Hinder None!” it is a simplified form the traditional Creed & Reed: “An It Harm None, Do As Thou Will.) Engaging in a sex romp - orgy - is fine for those who may want to, providing they are all socially, legally and intellectually competent, and, are all in agreement. Nevertheless, it plays no part in the observance of Paganism by The New Forest Coven. Paganism is a belief and magical system - not a swingers club! (Although, we have no objection whatsoever to the existence of such!)


Do you use drugs and things?

No, we don’t use drugs - or things! We drink wine - if you consider that a drug. We believe you don’t get laughter and good spirits from a pill, and you don’t actually find any magic in a mushroom either! For those who have need of such inducements the decision and consequences must rest with them.


Do you believe in heaven?

Heaven is place believed in by Christians. Pagans are not Christians. We believe in the certainty that our ‘Eternal Home’ is with the Gods and we call this The Summer Lands. Call it heaven if you will, but yes, we believe in it.


Is Witchcraft illegal?

No. The last civil laws against Witchcraft / Paganism were repealed in 1951. The Declaration Of Human Rights. (Article 18. To which Britain is a signatory) Say this: Everyone has the right of freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes the freedom to change religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. (A far cry from the Burning Times!) But! Make no mistake that there are still those who would seek to make it illegal if they had their way.


Do Witches believe in marriage?

Yes. Marriage is basically an agreement between two people who wish to share their life and love. There are several different kinds of marriage: A Church Marriage... A Civil Marriage... A Common Law Marriage... Etc. If contemplating marriage, one should consider which kind of marriage is best for all concerned. Tradition, Religion, Legality, and Personal Views all play a part in making the right choice. Pagan Marriages, though they can be very colourful, are quite simple. Whilst they are not recognised legally, we believe more importantly, they are recognised personally and spiritually and are most often termed as ‘handfastings.’


Does anything involve sex?

Sorry to disappoint some people, but no. Sex is part of love between two people, or fun and lust between consenting people. There is absolutely nothing wrong with sex and sexual pleasure for consenting adults of any sexual persuasion. However, it plays no more part in our coven, than does taking drugs.


Do you do black magic?

We take this question to mean – Do we do wicked magical things? – and the answer is no. The black magic we practice is very powerful, but completely safe for our clients. Some of our darker spell casts do require an offering or pact with spirit entities, but this debt is incurred by the spell caster conjuring the spell, not the recipient of the energy conjured. The first principal of natural magic (invoking, engaging and directing the natural forces of the Earth and the cosmos) is that positive energies cannot be engaged for negative effects and actions. Higher Justice (Cosmic Balance) also keeps in balance the causality and effect of all actions and counter actions.


Do you have churches?

No. Not in the sense which people generally think of churches. Pagans often gather where it is convenient. According to circumstances, this can be on a summers evening in a forest clearing... Under the stars in the corner of a corn field... The quiet orchid of a friendly farmer, or someone's sitting room or back garden. These then, are our churches. A place where we come together in merriment and union. There are of course, many old stone circles and temple sites throughout the country, and undoubtedly these were used by Pagans - and Witches - in some lost time.


Do you have a sign or symbol of your faith?

Yes we do. The Pentagram or Pentacle. (Sometimes referred to as the Star Of Solomon or The microcosm.) The Five points of the star symbolise the five elements of our world. Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Sprit. For The New Forest Coven, it also has two further meanings. The Five principal spell formulations and our Five skills in the art of Witchcraft - our craft skills.


Is the pentagram the sign of the devil?

No! It is fact that the pentagram has existed for millennia prior to the arrival of Christianity and therefore, the devil. Misconceptions of the origin and nature of the pentagram have been encouraged - if not invented - by those who sought to suppress Pagan beliefs and create negative attitudes towards it.


Are Witches pagans / what are pagans?

It is an absolute truth (Which can be verified by anyone who cares to take the time and effort to do so - rather than simply accepting what they have been told because it is easy, or are too self opinionated to bother.) that prior to the arrival of orthodox religion, Pagan Witches were respected and not associated with the devil, satan or evil. Christianity only arrived on the scene circa 2000 years ago, prior to this, there was no Devil! So, for example, who were the Pagan Witches worshiping 3000 years ago? Negative connotations have been laid at the feet of Pagan Witches by those who sought to impress ‘their’ beliefs on others - labeling Pagans and Witches as evil and devil worshippers is one of the ways in which they sought to repress Paganism and gain converts to ‘their’ religion. The Gods of the ‘Old Religion’ became the devils of the new! The word Pagan is - like so many words - derived from Latin. The original word was ‘Paganus’ It meant simply - A Country Dweller! (Check the facts! Prove us Pagans wrong!) The derivatives of the word ‘Paganus’ meant: Someone without status, someone who was not a Citizen, someone who was not under the law of a state. NONE, of the definitions carry ‘any’ connotations whatsoever that Pagans were devil worshippers, evil, exalted in lust, or were perverse in any way. Where did such connotations arise from? Check out this question for yourself - you may be surprised, even shaken!


Do you wear special clothes?

I suppose we do, but we don’t think of them as special. During the ‘Burning Times’ our predecessors took to the habit of wearing heavy, hooded, capes. They also began using unique, adopted names. The reasons are obvious. The heavy cape helped to disguise the size and shape of your body. The hood well hid your face and any distinguishing features. The names were not real and gave no personal identification. In these more liberal times none of these things are necessary, although they do still have their uses and have become traditional if nothing else.


Do you dance naked around fires?

(Ho, please! Must we really answer this question?) For the record! We do not dance around fires with clothes on! We do not dance around fires with our clothes off! We do not dance around fires period!


I would like to learn witchcraft, magic or clairvoyance. Can you help me?

Yes, from time to time we do offer spells that can assist you with psychic abilities and witchcraft with expert guidance from one of our master spell casters.


How does someone join the coven?

If someone learns of the coven and expresses interest in the way of the Woodwitch, a Woodwitch will seek to answer their questions. If they then express a desire to learn more and understand our beliefs more fully, they will be invited to meet with us and become mutually acquainted over a period of time. However, this does not mean that becoming part of the coven is simply a matter of asking. Balance and harmony are extremely important in our coven and we consider this most carefully when observing those who might wish to become Woodwitches. There is in fact no definitive process where a potential Woodwitch is score marked to determine if they might be suitable or not. It is actually the collective feeling of the coven which establishes if some element of kinship is felt or perceived. This may seem a rather ad-hoc way to identify new Woodwiches... But it has in fact stood us in very good stead for over eight decades and by whatever measure it has proved most efficient.


Do you have to swear any oaths to join the coven?

Yes. We ask, we require, that those who would become part of The New Forest Coven, give a word-bond that they will respect the coven, its ways and those others who belong to the coven. Joining the coven is a serious and significant undertaking which needs much consideration and time for contemplation and reflection. It is for this reason that we allow a suitable period of time and learning to pass before proceeding with an initiation. It is not like joining the local library or video club. The New Forest Coven does not consider itself to be a secret or covert society, but neither do we fling open our doors and our arms to everyone who says that they want to be a Witch.


Do you have to renounce any faiths to join the coven?

No. We appreciate that the Gods have many names and many faces. So, if someone has been confirmed as a Catholic, baptised as a Christian, or whatever; they still recognised God - just by another name and face. There are many paths to The Summer Lands, we each have to find the path which is best for us. But all the paths are going in the same general direction, and all lead to the same destination. We consider it necessary for someone who wants to belong to The Gathering, to confirm their absolute belief in the principals which constitute our collective beliefs, and to affirm that their beliefs are Pagan in nature and practice. But not necessary to renounce formally any previous beliefs about religion.


Does anyone ever leave the coven?

Yes. Usually for genuine or practical reasons. We require only that they honour their word-bond to The Gathering in respect of its privacy. The action is recorded in the book of names and is then final.


I’ve had spells cast before that didn’t work. My situation is complicated. Can you help me?

Absolutely! We can help you. Our spells have produced positive results for clients who have come to us after repeatedly experiencing unsuccessful results from spells commissioned through other spell casting professionals online.


Do you have any guarantee that I will see results?

Yes! Instead of a money back policy, we have a Satisfaction Guarantee to ensure that every customer is satisfied with our spell castings. We will endeavor to bring about the results you paid for, as we have for countless other clients before you. In the event of a spell taking longer to manifest we will not apologise and refund your money, instead we will revise your case, find the reason, then give you the choice of a free recast or a great discount towards the more powerful full moon spell service by our coven of 13 witches and warlocks.


What can I do to help my spells do its work?

It helps to stay positive while acknowledging the positive change as they show up in your life in a compounding effect. At times though these changes occur all at once, therefore, you need to maintain your positive outlook while things are happening beneath the surface. In cases where a situation is affected by other factors, the casting of multiple spells which are designed to address all aspects of the problem can result in a faster and more powerful outcome.


Do you give refunds?

No, this service's sole purpose is to provide results not refunds. Any work performed for you requires time and energy and in most cases expensive materials that cannot be returned and re-sold.


Will your spells conflict with any other spell casting?

Our spells do not conflict with spells cast by other spell casters. In many instances previous spells have paved the way for our spells to work even faster and in a more powerful fashion.


Are spells always a good solution to a problem?

Not if you are in physical danger, or have suicidal thoughts, in such cases you must contact the proper legal or medical authorities.
